Why Soap and Water Defeat the Coronavirus
April 13, 2020Good old soap and water have been around for thousands of years. How is something so ancient still so effective against bacteria and viruses? Ask mom; better yet, ask a scientist.
The Science of Soap
Most viruses have an outer layer made up of lipids, more commonly known as fat. Water alone tends to wick off the fat, but soap will dissolve it. Soap and alcohol are great for dissolving that fatty outer layer. Think of them as the superheroes of the germ world.
Germs: The Struggle is Real
It comes down to how soap molecules are formed. One end bonds with water, and the tail end rejects it, seeking out oil and fatty-like tissue. Like a magnet, the tail tries to push away from the water and attaches itself to the fatty outer layer of the virus, trying to pry itself into it like a spearhead. Once the virus is broken open, it spills into the soapy water and dies.
Now, who knew there was so much drama involved in washing your hands?
The Science of Scrubbing
Water and scrubbing are important because they cause the sudsy bubbles to form, which is what causes the bacteria, viruses and other germs to attach themselves to the suds. Warm water bubbles and foams quicker than cold. While you can use cold water, you’ll need to wash for about 15 more seconds.
Washing for 20 seconds (with warm water, 30-35 seconds with cold) allows for this germ-obliteration to take place. Building up bubbles and washing every surface of your hands, trapping all germs in the soap molecules. Then as you rinse, the foam, along with bacteria and viruses, are washed away down the drain.
Now that you have the science behind hand washing down pat, you can understand how important it can be to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Be mindful of what you touch and wash your hands often. It’s a tried-and-true way to stop the spread of this horrific virus.

The entire staff was very caring. I had my toddler with me and she was a bit rowdy and they gave her crayons with coloring pages and stickers and even a lollipop to help keep her occupied.
My son scribbled on a piece of paper and handed it to one of the woman in the front, saying that is say how his ears hurt, she accepted it and posted it on the artwork wall, when the PA came in to see him he was made to feel like a big deal because he had known about the paper. This is a place where the staff really cares about their patients and go the extra mile for them
Have been there a few times and hey have always been very fast, kind, courteous and welcoming. Always very helpful especially the front desk. The employee Heather helped me with pharmacy, paperwork and everything I needed help with. Only quick care I go too because of her.
I absolutely love our nurse Tiffany. She made our visit so comfortable. I had two very sick little boys who did not want to go to the Dr. She made the at ease in an instant and she took such great care of them. This was at the Quick care on 441 in Ocala Fl. I'll go back to this one because of her. And recommended to all my friends and family. Thanks so much!
A Big THANK YOU, to the Staff at Quick Care Med, in Dunnellon!! My Husband was seen, for a couple different ailments, during his visit,, and the Two Practitioners who worked with Him, were AWESOME! They treated my Big, 200 pound, 6 ft. "Baby",, with Respect, Dignity, and Professionalism, and just the right amount of Calming Firmness!! Lol... he's afraid of Needles, and Doctor Offices, in general and I must say, that GWEN, & DEBBIE, were very good to him! Prices for services rendered, were ve
Great sweet people
I was there yesterday and I've never felt so shocked. The 3 girls I interacted with were the most pleasant and friendly caregivers I've ever dealt with. Idr the rep's name, but she was quick and prompt at taking all my info and with minimal Qs (kinda hard to answer when I have a cold), then Alexis took over. Very sympathetic, nice, and helpful. Then the physician saw me and was charismatic and very funny. Trying to keep me in good spirits. It was like all 3 were happy to be at their posts and to
Anytime, we've ever been there, all of the physicians are very caring and helpful, they don't rush or make you feel unimportant... I wish we could have them as our GP
Very friendly,professional. Very caring of patients.Victoria was excellent. Took time to listen and made you feel comfortable.

We had Zaib Kahn as the provider and NEVER have I seen such a good bedside manner, as they call it! AND he personally called this a.m. to ask how my husband is feeling! (The pharmacy was closed when we left the ofc., and they asked us to allow until 11 to pick up the RXs, but that's NOT YOUR fault ;D I'm thrilled w/ Mr. Kahn's service and may well use your clinic for ALL my medical needs!!!! THANK YOU
Professional staff, caring and organized. Prompt service for DOT related visits.

The absolute BEST! Everyone here is so nice! We've had to come in a few times & they've always taken great care of us. We're usually out within 20-30 min. All the girls up front are very nice & helpful (you don't find that too often), so is the girl that takes your vitals. Dr B is the amazing! He takes his time to listen to what's wrong & always has a big smile. If we could have this office as our primary care location we would