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COVID-19 Versus the Flu: What’s the Difference?

May 6, 2020

You’re lounging on the couch Netflixing when that feeling slowly creeps up on you: a full-on body ache and waves of nausea, closely followed by a relentless cough that leaves you feeling like you swallowed barbwire. Yo

Crystal River Quick Care Med Reopened!

May 4, 2020

Our Crystal River location has reopened! We’re offering the same high-quality care for our community, Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm.  “We had consolidated our resources to help provide care for our communities in the best way possible, with better access to supplies and testing. We’re

Easy Desserts to Make While Self-Quarantining

May 1, 2020

When it comes to desserts, making healthy choices can be tough. Here are a few delicious and (kind of) healthy desserts that you can enjoy at home with your family. The best part about these particular recipes is that they don't take a ton a effort or call for a list of crazy ingredients.


Top 10 Healthy Snacks

April 30, 2020

Everybody snacks. The key to a healthy lifestyle is to snack in moderation, make healthy choices and exercise portion control. We have a list of healthy snacks with some pairing ideas. Your stomach will thank you.